On behalf of OmniTRAX and the entire Short Line railroad industry, OmniTRAX is asking for your support. Like all of our railroad partners, we are calling for the permanency and certainty of the 45G tax credit and ask that you support our request to Congress by completing the membership form found at the bottom of the page at www.Savingourservice.org. By doing so, you are acknowledging that short line railroads are important to your business.
Section 45G allows railroads and our customers to access domestic and international markets through safe, reliable, and cost effective freight rail transportation. Short line freight railroads are the first and last mile that connects over 10,000 railroad customers employing over 1 million Americans. Without rail connections, we believe that many of our customers would not be competitive and would be forced to rely solely on trucking over publicly funded and maintained highways. Section 45G creates over $300 million in private sector investment in freight rail infrastructure each year.
Since Congress enacted Section 45G in 2004, small business freight railroad investment has increased, track conditions have improved, and rail service has enhanced. We have rail lines that large Class I freight railroads cannot or will not maintain. It is for this reason that we have joined together with Saving Our Service (SOS) to call for permanency and certainty for the 45G tax credit.
Again, we graciously ask that you support our long term partnership and complete the membership form found at www.Savingourservice.org by July 31.
Thank you for your business and partnership!